EVs and eMobility

Welcome to the E-mobility Community

Hi! Welcome to EEVC.eu! If you’ve stumbled across this blog, then it’s safe to assume we already have a lot in common! You’re probably already aware of what E-Vs and E-mobility mean, but just in case you’re new to the concept, allow me to describe the nature of this blog and how it fits in with this growing technology.

Why E-mobility is Needed

Air pollution, water contamination, global warming, restricted fuel supplies. These topics are never out of the news. These issues are a reality, and as scary as it sounds now, without swift, united action, it could get still more frightening.

It’s been estimated that since the 1970s, vehicle (land and sea) emissions have doubled and, without active motion to change this course, will lead to irreversible damage and catastrophe for the planet. With each passing year, the urgency of switching from CO2-emitting vehicles over to cleaner, more sustainable fuels is growing at an alarming rate. The US, unfortunately, is one of the leading world powers suffering from this unhealthy reliance on fossil fuels. If the US and its supporting countries work hard together, we can set a new trend of future responsibility and change the trajectory of climate damage.

The other positive glimmer of light lies within reach of the human family. Ours is a time of enlightenment. We are benefiting from the generations of research and progress made before us. Electricity is now being harnessed as a realistic alternative to fossil fuels and is commonly held as the answer to our move toward global decarbonization.

A Fresh Look at Transportation E-mobility (or electromobility) refers to the concept of electrically powered vehicles. This is commonly thought of with regard to cars and scooters, but more exciting than this can also refer to buses, trucks, and even ships. The need for this transition away from fossil-fueled dependency is obvious. It is imperative that our society moves toward a less damaging way of navigating through life. Of all the options available to us to make positive changes in how we fuel our future, I’m sure you’ll agree that electromobility makes the most sense.

The Benefits of Electric Vehicles

The benefits of E-mobility are not just a concept for future generations to enjoy but can actively improve our lives right now. Think of this; for most of us living in or around a city or urban environment, we are probably battling the unseen effects of intense air pollution, constant noise pollution, and bearing the expense of heavily taxed fossil fuels to run our transportation systems. A turn to electricity drastically reduces all of these negative elements.

Appreciation for Progress

You’ll notice much of my information on this blog is centered around the automobile industry – this is where my passion lies and is where many of the exciting advances in electrically mobile engineering are happening. It’s a dynamic world with fresh updates and exciting releases happening all the time. My purpose here is to supply a platform in which I can document and record my research and understanding of all things electrically mobile.

The electric vehicle industry is an exciting place – one that is benefitting from a rush of attention, research, and interest as has never been seen before. Finally, we are benefiting from the attention of the political, scientific, and financial communities to see a world where a vehicle’s fuel efficiency and emission rating are counted as just as important as its visual design and physical performance. It’s a lot to keep up with. I understand. But I am sure you’ll feel as excited as I am with the ongoing efforts made to live more responsibly now and carve out a more sustainable future for our planet.